Many resolutions seem to focus on corrective behaviors--we notice a trend we don't like (weighing five pounds more than last year at this time) and vow to reverse it, with a vengeance (I will lose ten pounds this year). This makes a fair bit of sense to me. I mean, if I'm making myself do something I really don't want to do in the first place, then I might as well go for the gold, right?
Not so much, it turns out.
The trouble with this type of resolution is that it brings out the very worst in me. I become a competitive, judgmental, resentful, lonely perfectionist. Ick. I've finally come to the conclusion that no goal, no matter how well intentioned, is worth that. So, what's a girl to do?
The options are many, but last year this particular girl resolved to ditch the resolutions and went dreaming instead. In the fashion of Jen Lemen, I created my very own dream list. They were big ones, and most have yet to be realized, but I'm okay with that. Having a dream come true is a wonderful thing, but it's the dreaming itself that's miraculous.
Nine Dreams for 2009 (thanks to Karen at Chookooloonks for this one)
1. As a recovering doer, I'd like to create space in the days, weeks, and months of 2009 for reflection, for being.
2. I'd like to see some of my words in print.
3. I'd like to take joy in the remainder of The Furrball's life and weather his death with grace.
4. I'd like to make a new friend this year.
5. I'd like to do something with the overgrown jungle that is our yard. Actually, as long as I'm dreaming, I'd like someone else to do something about our yard.
6. I'd like to find a church home this year.
7. I'd like to perfect a few dairy-free cookie recipes.
8. I'd like my work to be an encouraging, hopeful part of my life, not be my life.
9. And last but not least, it sure would be nice to finally install flooring on the second floor. The subfloor works and all, but carpeting up there might just make my year.
What are you dreaming for 2009?