Skating at Grandpa's

Skating at Grandpa’s
for Grandpa Carl

Elaine must have been there,
Eric, Angela, likely Daniel,
as we called him then,
but I only remember sliding,
twirling about with Kelly.

And Grandpa, I remember
Shoveling, scraping to find the layer of
Compacted snow riding the ice of the winter
pond, hosing it down, watering to make it
Grow into the skating rink of our dreams

Evening out the surface
Making our rubber-soled boots
The fastest skates in New Harrison, Ohio.
I remember mittens, hand-knit scarves
And icy exhalations

Cartoon starts and crashes
Giggles, belly laughs
Grandpa’s teeth flashing bright
In his chiseled, farmer face—
A hard, working man, playing.

It’s only now Grandpa, I wonder
When did you start scraping the pond,
Preparing for our visit, for those few hours
We played in the wonderland skate park
You designed specially for us?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

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